Landlord and business news
Find out the latest landlord and business news.
3-minute read
Top tips for increasing margins and boosting profit
Boosting profit, whether by cutting costs or restructuring prices, is important for every small business. Find out how…
2-minute read
Average tenancy lengths across the UK revealed (plus, how long tenants really want to rent for)
The average length of a tenancy in the UK has increased to almost two years – but there…
3-minute read
Simply Business data reveals tree-felling – Schema test – Lucy as reviewer+Author
Tree-felling, roof tiling, and scaffolding are the UK’s most dangerous trades, according to new research from Simply Business.…
3-minute read
Tenant evictions costing landlords £2,000 and nine months of misery according to suggests tenant evictions could cost over £2,000 and nine months of misery, but what exactly are landlords…
5-minute read
7 business ideas for stay at home mums
Finding a job that fits around you and your baby can be difficult – it’s why so many…
4-minute read
Consumer Protection Act: a summary guide for small businesses
The Consumer Protection Act is the law which governs if and when a customer can make a claim…
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