Landlord and business news
Find out the latest landlord and business news.
4-minute read
Nearly 6 in 10 of young people dream of launching a business – but face major knowledge gap
How can we support the next generation of UK businesses? Read the Generation Entrepreneur Report.
3-minute read
Ban on new leasehold flats – how will this affect BTL landlords?
What is a commonhold lease and how will it affect landlords?
5-minute read
10 legal changes impacting small businesses in 2025
What legal changes could affect your business in 2025.
3-minute read
Spring Forecast – what can small businesses expect?
The Spring Forecast on 26 March will tell us more about the UK’s economic growth prospects – but…
9-minute read
Energy bill support for small businesses 2025
Find out what support you can get with your energy bill.
4-minute read
How the Bank of England base rate affects your businesses
Find out the current rate and when it’s next being reviewed.
10-minute read
The Apprentice candidates for 2025: career profiles
We take a look at the career history of each of this season’s contestants.
5-minute read
53 banks close every month: what does this mean for small businesses?
Banks are closing branches across the UK, with some consumers and communities impacted more than others. Find out…
3-minute read
Over half a million homeowners urged to upgrade electricity meters by June 2025
Over half a million properties must replace their meter or face higher prices.
This content is for general, informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal, tax, accounting, or financial advice. Please obtain expert advice from industry-specific professionals who may better understand your business’s needs. Read our full disclaimer
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