Opinion pieces
Get advice from small business experts with our range of opinion pieces.
2-minute read
Open letter to the Chancellor: Spring Budget 2024
Simply Business UK CEO Alan Thomas addresses Chancellor Jeremy Hunt on behalf of small business owners, ahead of…
6-minute read
5 smart home devices for your rental property
Here are five smart home devices that could make your life easier as a landlord. Read on for…
2-minute read
How can the government’s occupational health consultation support small businesses?
Simply Business responds to the government’s occupational health consultation with actions to support small businesses and the self-employed.…
5-minute read
Practical steps for the self-employed to help manage stress
Clinical psychologist Dr Hazel Harrison shares three simple steps self-employed people can try to help manage their stress.
6-minute read
10 simple tips to improve your mental wellbeing
Practical advice from our Head of Wellbeing on how small businesses and the self-employed can improve mental health.…
5-minute read
We need more women small business owners
Just 1 in 3 small businesses are owned by women. Bea Montoya, COO at Simply Business writes on…
6-minute read
The joys and challenges of running a side hustle business
Communications specialist and founder of The Women’s Vault, Olivia Bath shares what she learnt from having a side…
8-minute read
Essential tips for an award-winning brand refresh
Your brand is one of your company’s most important assets. Simply Business recently completed an award-winning brand refresh…
8-minute read
Our culture: building the UK’s best place to work
Company culture is a key priority for businesses of every size. Read more about Simply Business’s award-winning culture,…
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